Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Shape - Definition Page

Dictionary definition - The external form or appearance of someone or something.

  • Round
  • Defined
  • Silhouette
  • Chunky
  • Sharp
  • Large
This photograph shows many pigeons walking in a line, it is a good photograph representing shape because it uses both the silhouettes and the shadows of the pigeons. You see only outlines of the birds and this shows their shape very well.
This is a photo of an eagle or some other bird of prey and shows the bird's silhouette as the picture is taken when looking at the sun. This gives avery sharp view of the outline of the bird and shows it's shape very well. The silhouette is one of the most common and best ways to represent shape.
Unlike the photos prior to it, this shows a shape of a heart being made by the pages of a book. This is not a natural shape nor an obvious example of shape. This photograph shows how shape can be made and see in many different objects.
This photo again shows a silhouette. This time of a man holding a guitar case. This photograph is unusual as it shows the man at the top of a hill looking down a long road. It's not very clear as to what the photographer was trying to signify with this photo, if anything. Perhaps they just liked the look of it or maybe it has some deeper meaning.

The shape of something is it's exterior outline, it's ergonomic values, something without features or necessarily colour.

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