Friday 20 September 2013

Lines – Definition Page

Dictionary definition – A long, narrow mark or band.

  • Parallel
  • Straight
  • Wavy
  • Continuous
  • Patterns

    This picture shows lines in the sand in a desert. It is a good example of repeated lines in nature, and could also be used as an example of pattern.

    I like this photograph; it is a very nice example of lines and could also be used for depth. The converging parallels of the frets and the guitar strings give the photograph depth.
    This is also a good example of lines and how they can be used to show depth. The bridge creates narrowing lines and converging parallels using lines.
    This photograph is very similar to both the guitar and the bridge. The strings create very defined lines an d are a good example of how lines are seen in everyday life.

    These are all good examples of lines, some natural and some man-made lines. Most of these pictures show lines that are symmetrical, though the first picture shows curved lines and though they follow a pattern, they are not entirely symmetrical. Both the photograph of the bridge or pier going out to sea and of the violin are examples of parallel converging lines. These lines give the photographs depth.

    My definition - A line is something connecting two points, or a continuous stretch that makes up a shape.

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