Wednesday 25 September 2013

Definition Page - Blurring

Dictionary Definition - (Verb) Make or become unclear or less distinct.

  • Unclear
  • Movement
  • Speed
  • Distorted

This photograph uses blurring to show that the cheetah is moving very fast. Blurring is very interesting as it is something that cannot be seen by the human eye but is caught when using a camera. When a picture is blurred it usually implies that something is moving and is often used to express high speeds, like in this picture. The background is blurred while the cheetah is in focus, this was done by staying in line with the cheetah and moving with it to retain focus. This shows that the Cheetah is moving.
This photograph also shows movement and speed. The man is in focus as he is standing still in front of a moving train that is travelling past him at high speeds. The train is clearly blurred and on the move.

This photograph uses blurring to show the movement of a double-decker bus. Everything else in the picture is still, while the vehicle is extremely blurred, this is a very good example of blurring in photography.
This photograph is interesting as it shows movement of many different vehicles at once. It is often used in videos rather than photographs and shows the speed and mass of traffic in cities. I like what these photographs do but believe they'd be quite difficult to accomplish.

Blurring is a lack of focus in photographs that is used to show movement, speed or perhaps a chaotic environment in photos. 

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