Wednesday 25 September 2013

Image Bank - Shape

This photograph shows the silhouette of a robin or some other bird. The photo represents shape in photography very well, as do most silhouettes as they show only the detail of the outline of an object.
This photograph is again of birds but rather than using a silhouette to show the shape of the birds this photographer has used the birds to show a different shape; the birds necks are used to create what can be seen as a love hear between the two swans.
This photograph is again a silhouette and shows a small boy standing in a window. I believe this is a very good photograph as it not only shows shape very well, it also gives a very distinct mood. The child standing alone in the dark, looking outside for something gives off a very lonely feeling.

This photograph is again a silhouette. I am particularly fond of the use of silhouettes in photography, especially isn this visual element. This is a simple silhouette of a flower and I think it represents shape very well.

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