Wednesday 25 September 2013

Image Bank - Pattern

These photographs are all examples of the visual element pattern. They all show a repeated shape or set of shapes/lines. Three of the photos show such pattern in man-made objects and three show pattern in natural objects. Pattern is very common in construction, such as patterns in bricks and windows and in work places, like the photo of the stools arranged in rows. Patterns are also very common in nature, like on the zebra, animals are often patterned with stripes or spots for camouflage and such, while pattern is also present in the structure of most pieces of nature such as the feathers and construction of the flower.

Image Bank - Colour

All of the above photographs use intensely bright colours that catch the eye and lift the mood of each picture, should the pictures be entirely grey, or black or white etc. they would have an entirely different feel to them. The pictures of the flower, the rug and the houses highlight the use of bright colours by using dull colours such as grey and sun-bleached white for everything but the main, colourful focus of the picture. The first photograph shows many sheets of different colours and is a clear representation of this visual element while the last two photos are just bursting with bright yellows, blues and vibrant greens all over, without a dull colour in sight.

Definition Page - Blurring

Dictionary Definition - (Verb) Make or become unclear or less distinct.

  • Unclear
  • Movement
  • Speed
  • Distorted

This photograph uses blurring to show that the cheetah is moving very fast. Blurring is very interesting as it is something that cannot be seen by the human eye but is caught when using a camera. When a picture is blurred it usually implies that something is moving and is often used to express high speeds, like in this picture. The background is blurred while the cheetah is in focus, this was done by staying in line with the cheetah and moving with it to retain focus. This shows that the Cheetah is moving.
This photograph also shows movement and speed. The man is in focus as he is standing still in front of a moving train that is travelling past him at high speeds. The train is clearly blurred and on the move.

This photograph uses blurring to show the movement of a double-decker bus. Everything else in the picture is still, while the vehicle is extremely blurred, this is a very good example of blurring in photography.
This photograph is interesting as it shows movement of many different vehicles at once. It is often used in videos rather than photographs and shows the speed and mass of traffic in cities. I like what these photographs do but believe they'd be quite difficult to accomplish.

Blurring is a lack of focus in photographs that is used to show movement, speed or perhaps a chaotic environment in photos. 

Lines - Image Bank

These are all good examples of lines, some natural and some manufactured lines.  Most of these pictures show lines that are symmetrical, though the first picture shows curved lines and though they follow a pattern, they are not entirely symmetrical. Both the photograph of the bridge or pier going out to sea and of the violin are examples of parallel converging lines. These lines give the photographs depth.

Image Bank - Shape

This photograph shows the silhouette of a robin or some other bird. The photo represents shape in photography very well, as do most silhouettes as they show only the detail of the outline of an object.
This photograph is again of birds but rather than using a silhouette to show the shape of the birds this photographer has used the birds to show a different shape; the birds necks are used to create what can be seen as a love hear between the two swans.
This photograph is again a silhouette and shows a small boy standing in a window. I believe this is a very good photograph as it not only shows shape very well, it also gives a very distinct mood. The child standing alone in the dark, looking outside for something gives off a very lonely feeling.

This photograph is again a silhouette. I am particularly fond of the use of silhouettes in photography, especially isn this visual element. This is a simple silhouette of a flower and I think it represents shape very well.

Definition Page - Colour

Dictionary definition - The property possessed by an object of producing different sensations on the eye as a result of the way it reflects or emits light.

  • Bold
  • Bright
  • Dark
  • Glowing
  • Vivid
  • Dull
  • Luminous
This picture shows some sort marine animal, made up of very bright, very vivid colours. Colour is often used in photography to catch the eye and to represent life or excitement as this is what it is seen as real life. This shows this small animal contrasting with the plain, green background.
I believe this is a very good picture that represents colour very well. It is an underwater picture that shows no more than an explosion of colour.
This picture is very colourful and again, children are involved because colour is often associated with life, laughter, happiness and creation.
This photo again shows a child, though this time with a collection of coloured crayons. This again shows how colour is often associated with life and creation.

All of these photographs are good examples of colour in photography. Each photo is very bright and involves various colours in many different environments. Each of these photographs uses colour to represent life and excitement, the last two involve children and lively colours, while the first picture shows some sort of animal, it represents colour in nature. The second picture is a form aqua photography and is very much an explosion of colour. Each show how colour is often shown with life and excitement or creation, as  it is in real life.

Colour is a property an object possess which is often used in arts and photography to create different moods and feelings for pieces.

Friday 20 September 2013

 Image bank - Blurring

All of these photographs are examples of movement blurring. Blurring represents movement in the picture and is special as it shows something that cannot be seen by the eye. The concepts of most of these photographs are the same, most show focus on one object and represent it's movement, though the photo of the people using swings shows the background in focus and the people blurred. This also shows movement in the people. 

Lines – Definition Page

Dictionary definition – A long, narrow mark or band.

  • Parallel
  • Straight
  • Wavy
  • Continuous
  • Patterns

    This picture shows lines in the sand in a desert. It is a good example of repeated lines in nature, and could also be used as an example of pattern.

    I like this photograph; it is a very nice example of lines and could also be used for depth. The converging parallels of the frets and the guitar strings give the photograph depth.
    This is also a good example of lines and how they can be used to show depth. The bridge creates narrowing lines and converging parallels using lines.
    This photograph is very similar to both the guitar and the bridge. The strings create very defined lines an d are a good example of how lines are seen in everyday life.

    These are all good examples of lines, some natural and some man-made lines. Most of these pictures show lines that are symmetrical, though the first picture shows curved lines and though they follow a pattern, they are not entirely symmetrical. Both the photograph of the bridge or pier going out to sea and of the violin are examples of parallel converging lines. These lines give the photographs depth.

    My definition - A line is something connecting two points, or a continuous stretch that makes up a shape.